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Vision loves structure

We analyze your digital processes and work with you to implement the best possible plan for your company.

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Frustrated with confusing business and IT processes?

Have your business and IT processes grown over time in your company?

  • Have numerous IT solutions, applications, and software accumulated?
  • Now, the processes have become slow, cumbersome, and even error-prone. Quality issues, delays, data losses, and system failures are burdening you, your employees’ motivation, your customers’ satisfaction, and thus your company?
  • Employees often only have partial information, and there is a lack of an overview of the entire process and system landscape?

What is not needed:

  • more tools and programs that promise order
  • longer meetings to finally solve the problems
  • adding more people to the email distribution list to build pressure

Instead, through a thorough analysis, targeted optimization, and simplification of processes and IT systems, you can achieve quick and sustainable improvements. Fast, efficient, and error-free processes help ensure the quality and reliability of your products for your customers.

Reduced data losses and system failures improve the stability of your IT landscape. A comprehensive overview of your processes and systems enables your employees to:

  • make informed decisions and
  • increase productivity.
  • This change leads to less frustration,
  • increased motivation, and
  • higher efficiency in your company.

What is the right solution for you?

You might have a rough idea of the solution you need, but the details are completely unclear. It’s like driving a car in the fog, leading to inaccurate or inappropriate implementations because important details were not worked out. A particular problem is the different language used. IT departments and business units have completely different terms and concepts. This leads to misunderstandings and inefficient processes.

For example, endless meetings with zero results. Or even worse: After a long discussion, everyone parts ways seeming to be in agreement, but later it turns out that everyone had a different understanding, and they were all talking past each other.

Or have you experienced your IT managers providing the required service, but the necessary architecture is missing? Just like in house construction, this is important. It needs a clear construction and timeline plan. You wouldn’t build a house without an architect. An architect helps you define the right structure and ensures during the construction process that the house meets the requirements. Similarly, the role of a digital architect is crucial in building and expanding digital processes and structures.

Through a clear definition of the architecture and detailed planning of your solution, accurate implementation can be achieved. This enables improved communication between IT departments and business units, helping to reduce misunderstandings, eliminate unnecessary meetings, and make processes efficient.

With the right structure and appropriate IT services, new processes can be successfully established, leading to high productivity, employee motivation, and satisfaction throughout the company.

“The role of the designer is that of a good, considerate host who appreciates the needs of his guests.”
– Charles Eames –

You are an entrepreneur or expert, but not a digital architect

In house construction, the subcontractors each take care of their own area and bear responsibility for it. The same applies to building a digital landscape. System integrators and software providers focus on their specific solutions and areas of your company. However, the responsibility for the entire process remains with you. This distracts you from your other tasks and can create uncertainty and overwhelm.

With a thorough analysis of all processes and the business structure, the right IT solution can be found and established. Not all functions and systems fit the requirements of your company. This process will also identify processes and systems that can be completely eliminated. At this point, less is often more.

By following this approach, we reduce complexity for you and increase the likelihood that the result meets your expectations. Focus entirely on your expertise and leave these tasks to the Digital Architects.

The dream of efficiency and accuracy

Imagine you no longer have problems with quality issues, delays, data losses, or system failures. Your processes are fast, reliable, and contribute to the success of your company and the motivation of your employees.

No more annoying calls, hours-long meetings, and frustration over technology. IT that simply does what it’s supposed to, works, and makes everyday work easier. Automations that make sense and work for you in the background.

Tidy solutions

We offer solutions that not only address isolated problems but consider your entire business and IT processes! As architects, we have all aspects of your company structure in view. What good is it to start the interior construction of a house if the electrician hasn’t laid the wiring yet? We organize your system landscape, integrate, optimize, and ensure smooth operations while taking all aspects into account.

Clear and understandable communication

As in all areas of life, clear and smooth communication between your IT departments and business units is crucial:

  • We speak IT-ish!
  • We speak Business-ish!
  • We translate!
  • We establish a common language, making misunderstandings, frustration, and inefficient processes a thing of the past.

We find an internal IT language for you and your employees that makes communication simple.

Forward-looking detailed planning

Together, we develop the overviews and structures you can rely on. The priorities you set based on your goals and visions play a crucial role in this process.

Our strength lies in having an overview of the big picture while also recognizing and considering important details. This enables us to develop precise and detailed plans and strategies.

Simple and effective - is that possible?

Our world seems increasingly complex and complicated. It is all the more important to find simple solutions. We achieve this through:

  • focusing on the essentials
  • breaking down tasks and systems into sub-tasks and subsystems
  • applying clear principles
  • using standardized methods and frameworks

“Even if the situation is complex, the simplest solution is usually the one we should pursue.”
– Roxanne Quimby –

Less is more!
Ready for an analysis?

©️2023 Kristjan Czako - All Rights Reserved

My passion for analyzing and structuring processes, IT solutions, and automation opportunities has developed over more than three decades of experience as a software developer, software architect, and enterprise architect. I love examining and improving existing business and IT architectures.

How does it work?

First, we sit down with you and your team to analyze and understand your current situation, showing you where you stand. Based on your vision and ideas, we then work out where you want to go. We prioritize and plan the necessary measures. In the third step, we implement an individual plan. We collaborate with your partners and our own.

I know it is possible to reduce complexity and improve structures. I have seen how challenging it can be to create a coherent overall picture from various parts. With our offering, we help you bring clarity and efficiency to your business and IT processes. This allows you to focus on the essentials and successfully realize your vision.

A good analysis is like a large puzzle, assembling the various pieces of your business architecture and IT structure into a clear and understandable overall picture. Many employees often have only a single puzzle piece of the big picture in mind. I help put this puzzle together. Through joint analyses and discussions, we develop a comprehensive understanding of the current situation and create a tailored vision for your future. The result is a wow effect when the puzzle is complete.

Three things are essential for implementation:

  • A good and flexible plan that can be adjusted and grow over time.
  • Reliable leadership and coordination of the implementation to achieve the goals.
  • A transparent architecture management process to keep an overview of the current state and changes.

The phases of collaboration

  1. Analysis of the current structure: We sit down together to examine your existing business processes and IT architectures. In this phase, we identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement. This is the assessment phase.
  2. Prioritization and Planning: Based on your goals and ideas, we develop a clear vision of how your business processes and IT solutions can be optimally designed. Together, we determine which changes are priorities and how they can be effectively implemented. We help you plan the necessary next steps with a clear focus.
  3. Implementation: We then implement your individually developed plan together with your partners and ours.
Even if your heart beats analog, we bring your visions into the digital age
Talk to us or arrange a call with us directly!
Matthias and I had been working together for more than 15 years - early on in the small start up, later on as team leader of a larger development team and at last as Platform Architect at ESI Group. Throughout his career he persistently pushed for the right solution by asking the right questions. Moreover, he built the relationships, established the trust with all required stakeholders fostering the consent and commitment toward the right solutions. Matthias's positive mindset, strong beliefs and empathy make him a very valuable driver of change that I could always and fully relay on.
Christian Matzen
Matthias has supported us in a complex Architecture and Inventory project. Detached from his excellent technical knowledge, he was able to familiarize himself with a complex company organization in a very short time and move the project forward very quickly. Due to his calm and composed attitude he is able to act perfectly in projects on any management level. Within the project team we got to know him as a reliable and trustworthy person, who interacted very respectfully and openly with all team members. It was a pleasure to work with him and we will stay in contact to continue the cooperation. Thank you very much Matthias.
Bettina Waigel
Business Development
Matthias' technical and architectual expertise is outstanding, he has always been a highly respected colleague not only among engineers and Product Managers but also beyond Tech. He has a strong ability to understand, break down and explain complex topics and build bridges between Tech and non-Tech departements. He is dedicated to find solutions for any business challenge and always on a mission to learn and self-improve.
Luise Linden
Matthias is a fully accomplished digital architect... and more! He possesses an incredible depth and breadth of knowledge on all things software-related, that he is able to carry across in very simple and compelling ways. His natural humble character and genuine interest for others further enhance the positive impact he has on people and organizations around him. I would hire Matthias again on the spot!
Sebastien Chaigne
Product Development Director

Who do we work for?

We are something like a digital architecture firm. An architecture firm for digital processes and digitalization.

  • We make the IT and digital leaders (CDO, CIO, CTO) shine, enabling them to achieve their goals and get the support they need.
  • We take the necessary architecture work for digital processes off the CEO‘s shoulders.
  • We help the entrepreneur to digitally implement their vision.
  • We increase employee motivation, create clarity, and develop a digital workplace that people enjoy working with.